Thursday, November 04, 2010

Emma Get's Sick & We Get A Heat Wave

July 2010

Emma hasn't been sick in ages! But a small cold and cough got the best of her for a few days....Donald finally had to go back to work after sharing most of July with us, and unfortunately it also meant that he had a really long week ahead. Being the director of North American Sales for ESET he had a big half yearly week long meeting and with all his employees that were coming into town. So he was up and out of the house early every morning and then out at dinners every night so we were left on our own for a week. I think the earliest Donald got home was 11:30 at night. During that first week on my own with two kids (my parents were back in Colorado now so I was truly on my own for the first time) Emma got sick :( I felt horrible for her. And we got a heat wave which wouldn't have been that bad, but our AC broke and it didn't get repaired until the following week. So I was stuck at home with a new baby and sick 3 year old in 100 + weather with no AC and no fans :( oh and no husband ....

Emma had also given up napping shortly after her 3rd birthday so it was a HUGE surprise to find her sound asleep in her bed on the first day of her cold. She looked so precious that I had to take a picture before going to get Ewan who had just woken from one of his naps. So my happy surprise my little prince was so happy (even in this heat) he gave me the biggest toothless smiles! Oh that just made my week.

I returned to check on Emma only to find that she had moved from her bed to her purple chair and was still sound asleep.
I was so happy when Donald came home on Thursday night with 4 large fans to at least blow some air through the house. It made all the difference while we waited for the AC unit to be delivered and installed. It didn't get installed until the next week and by then the cooler temperatures had returned (thankfully) and we didn't use it at all until September.

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