Thursday, November 04, 2010

Busy Emma

July 2010
Our little Emma is just as busy as always amazing us everyday with her expansive vocabulary, incredibly fun sense of humor, inspiring imagination, and the immense amount of love her little body is capable of holding giving and sharing.

Due to how absolutely amazing she has been as a new big sister with all her eagerness to help, share and love on her baby brother I surprised her with a new Tinker Bell backpack and t-shirt. She was over the moon!
Despite the mild summer we had we still found plenty of opportunities for a dip in the pool with her little friends.But most days it was just warm enough to have a picnic at the park. Here she is with Mikael, Sierra, and Yasmine.
Sometimes it amazes me how big she has gotten, I still remember a time when I would be racing around a playground and climbing up all the toys to make sure she didn't fall off and having to go down slides and up and down stair with her because she couldn't do it alone. Now I can sit on a bench and watch her do it all on her own.

We love that Emma loves the rain as much as we do. Here we are on our way to Dr Neglia's in Encinitas for Ewan's 1 month check up and it's drizzling out side and Emma asked to have her window down so she could feel the rain.

Emma and I love to build castles together, and then she plays for hours with it using her amazing imagination.

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