Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Story Time

Emma and I have only done public story time twice. I have never been very impressed and I do a way better job reading then any of the people we have seen so far, so we usually don't go. I have been asked by other moms to attend different story times and have declined every time. I just don't see a point to running out or interrupting what we are already doing for a 2 to 5 minute book that is read to us poorly. On Tuesday I had to run some errands in Carmel Mt Ranch which took my next to the Borders. I decided to take Emma in to look for some new books. They were getting ready for story time and a huge crowd was gathering so I thought we could sit in the back and leave if it was bad. I talked to a few moms and nannies and they said this is worth it. One mom had come with her kids from Carlsbad, a nanny had brought the kids she watches from Escondido. And everyone said we would love it, that they had all been coming any where from a few months to 4 years! And the same lady has been doing it the whole time.
I was shocked when the lady who did the story time said that it was a small crowd. This was the biggest I had ever seen. She started out singing happy birthday to each child celebrating a birthday. Then a fun song with fun motions and counting. Then a story followed by more songs and dancing and more stories and more songs and dancing. This went on for over a half hour!
She ended the fun time with a bubble machine and the kids ran and popped bubbles and played. It was amazing. Emma and I will definitely make time for this again. And any one reading this. Come by with your little one every week on Tuesday and Friday at 10:30 am and for kids that can sit through a bit longer story go on Wednesdays at 10:30 you will have a blast!
As you can see Emma loved it and so did all the little people!

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