Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm A Little Peanut

As some of my readers may already know, I use to be a buyer for the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. I got the joy of purchasing books, stationary, high end fine gifts and garden for the gift shops. It was a fun career and a wonderful time. I made friendships that will last a life time. As a sort of tribute to the wonderful ladies I got to work with.. I post this blog. I was the youngest buyer in the group of amazing ladies. They were incredible mentors and remain so to this day. Their advice, leadership and style have heavily influence who I am today. It is such a joy to walk into any of the gift shops at the Zoo or Wild Animal Park and now purchase items they have picked out for my little Emma. We have a great assortment of books, clothing, toys, and jewelry thanks to their efforts. And it so easy to buy from the Zoo knowing how my purchase affects wildlife globally.
This t-shirt is just one of the amazingly cute items you will find for purchase for your little one. I currently think I am single handily trying to pull San Diego tourism out of a recession by purchasing from the Zoo on a weekly basis. But what better way to spend my money and my time for Emma. She deserves it and so do the animals and plants we are, in our own way helping to save. Just doing my part of being "green" or "earth" conscience. And supporting a cause I believe in.

To my Friends at the Zoo...Thank you for doing an amazing job as always!!!

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