Wednesday, January 21, 2009

After Christmas

I almost forgot...A few days after Christmas we met up with Aunt Andra, Uncle Kevin, Julie Anne, Kyle, and Meghan for a day downtown. We played the tourist bit and it was fun. We ate at a really fabulous Australian restaurant called Bondi and walked along the bay. It was a bit cold and windy, but lots of sunshine and fun.

Sitting at our really cool table!

Kyle with his mustache. Our lunch was fantastic. Everyone laughed at me when I said that my fish and chips were the best I had ever had, especially after living in London for a year. But when they all tasted my fish they couldn't believe how really good it was!

A stroll down the bay enjoying the art trees.

Warming up with Kyle at Aunt Andra's house after a cold afternoon.
And you can never go wrong with a snuggle from Uncle Kevin

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