Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saying Farewell to Uncle David and Aunt Ann

After an amazing time with The Clan Chief for the McCallums and his lovely Ann. It was time to say a fond farewell to Uncle David and Aunt Ann. They went back to Glasgow the day after Ann's birthday. It was wonderful getting to celebrate her birthday before they left, and spend a lovely night at Grandma and Grandpa's. Their trip seemed all to short even though they stayed for just over two weeks. Emma still calls every tall white haired mad she sees Uncle David and loves when I show her pictures of Aunt Ann and Uncle David. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that she doesn't ask me if we can go and see them. I am hoping this year we will get to take Emma to see them in Scotland.

Uncle David sharing apple slices with his little Emma

Now it's Emma's turn to share with her Aunt Ann. Emma has been so good about sharing with others that I hope this is something she won't ever loose.

Playing with her Uncle Stewart (from Yorkshire) Uncle Stewart has an extremely thick Yorkshire accent which at the best of times can be difficult to understand if you aren't use to it. But Emma and Stewart seem to understand each other perfectly and have become great pals.

Andra and Kevin cutting the top section from their wedding cake. I know it seems weird, but I never got to see them cut their cake or have any at the wedding. I don't know where I was or what I was doing, but somehow I missed the whole thing. So Andra and Kevin were happy to do a few poses and cut their cake one more time and share it with me, oh and everyone else too :)

Getting in some play time with Grandma. Grandma has been going non stop starting months before the wedding, this is a rare shot of her taking a bit of "me time" with her Emma. And that is well deserved and much needed "me time".

Saying goodbye to Uncle David until they cuddle again

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