Thursday, July 03, 2008

Beach Day

Emma was back at the beach last Sunday. I thought I better get these photos posted before the 4th of July weekend gets going and then I might really be behind on my blogging.

We spent Sunday morning at the beach and had a blast. I think Emma found it strange that it wasn't like the playgrounds we visit and everyone shares their toys. Luckily there was one little boy about 7 or 8 years of age that didn't mind Emma's help digging a big hole. Being super social, I think it's hard for Emma to understand why some people don't say "Hi" or why some kids don't share and want to play with her.

On Tuseday Emma and I went to the Post Office to mail out about 25 images to her Great Grandma Padgett (whom we named our little Emma after) Great Grandma has a big get together every year at her home in Dixon for the 4th of July. And this year is suposse to be the biggest turn out yet of family and friends, so I wanted to make sure that Great Grandma Emma had plenty of pictures to share of her little Emma durring the weekend. So of course Emma made friends with everyone in line and all the postal workers too! And when we left everyone was sad to see us go and gave Emma big goodby's and were blowing kisses to her. I swear sometimes it's like traveling with a rock star and I'm just the roady mommy.
Everytime I look at this picture the Monty Python movie "The Holy Grail" pops into my mind, the scene where the king anounces to his son "One day son this will all be yours" son-"What, the curtains?" I can just see Emma and her daddy having a similar converstaion here. As she's pointing out to her daddy and saying "What, the sand?"
We didn't bring our suits as it was a bit overcast, the water was really cold but didn't seem to bother our little girl. She loved it, but also respected the water and relized the pull it had and was much more aware and safe than she has been on past visits.
Daddy took the camera a bit and got in a few shots of Emma and I. I also took a bit of really fun video that I hope Donald gets a chance to post over the holiday weekend.

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