Saturday, May 03, 2008

15 Months Old!!
That's right our little lady is now 15 months old and talking up a storm. Most of it is baby babble but she gets some words in that we recognize. She currently says Mom and Dad, Emma, me, I, hug, car, bye, hi, tree, oops, oops a daisy, uh oh, moo, woof, meow, touch, yum, yay, and her favorite "up!" (up is used for just about everything but mostly it means where ever she wants to be which we think is a fantastic view on life already). She is 31 inches tall, and weighs in at 22lbs. The Doctor said that in all his career (which is about 30 years) that he has never had such a social and talkative and not at all afraid of strangers, 15 month old in his office. She will let any one pick her up, runs up to strangers and starts babbling very excitedly, and has to say hi to everyone everywhere we go and gets very confused when they don't return the "hi". She was very grumpy on the way home today because the people in the car next to us at the stop light didn't say hi, not only could they not hear her since her window was up but they couldn't see her since the window was tinted. I tried to explain, but it just didn't do any good. We hope the joy she seems to spread wherever she goes only continues to grow...we love our social happy butterfly!

Emma & Highland Cow

Not every little girl gets to have a Highland Cow as her furry friend!

Emma and Bunny

Emma and her new Shoes

Emma loves shoes!
Daddy picked out these wonderful brown and pink poke a dot shoes

Getting up to no good with Highland Cow

We are so greatful that she hasn't discovered that mommies markers open.

Playing with Daddy before bath
in Emma's Room

On the kitchen floor
Daddy and Emma are great friends, they play chase around the house then roll and giggle on the floor, it's a wonderful way to end the day.

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