Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Every photography teacher will tell you about something called the magic hour. It takes place twice a day, dawn and dusk and if you have your camera ready you can take the most amazing shots. People look better in that light, animals, plants, well just everything. You don't need to do a lot of adjusting to your camera, you don't need special filters, or a flash...its just the magic hour for taking photos. And today at dusk it really was the magic hour. Donald had agreed to substitute teach a university class on systems thinking for one of his old professors. He loves teaching so anytime an old professor asks, Donald clears up his time to do it. Tonight Donald was off to do a bit of teaching but not before he came home from work to get some cuddles in from his little Emma. I took one look outside and grabbed my camera, it was the magic hour and I know I would be able to get some great pictures of Emma after we said goodbye to Donald. So we walked daddy to the car, I took some pictures along the way but the magic didn't happen until Donald had gotten into the car and was about to drive away. He rolled down his passenger window to tell Emma and me one more time "I love you" and Emma for the first time said "I love you" right back. My heart melted immediately, then she said it again one more time but much clearer, "I love you" right to her daddy. I was thrilled and trying my best to hold back tears watching the two loves of my life say I love you to each other. Donald could barely contain himself, he has been trying to get her to say "I love you" since she was born. He hasn't been able to be there for a lot of "firsts" because of work, but this "first" in our little Emma's life has to be so far the most magical of all. It really was the magic hour

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