Friday, January 15, 2010

The Midway

October 4, 2009

Always looking for something fun to do with Emma on the weekend that is new for her and sometimes us as well. Our annual pass to the childrens museum gave us the oportunity to visit the Midway for free. Neither of us had ever been and with how much Emma loves boats and planes we thought it would be a fun exploration for all of us....

so Saturday morning we were off for a few hours of fun on the Midway.

Emma has never been in time out so this was new and no fun for her at all.

Our little pilot!

We stopped to watch an informational video in jump seats. "Very cool" as Emma put it.

Getting to sit in the cot pit. Emma didn't know what to touch first!

Finally making it to the flight deck. Emma was in heaven.. she loves planes and helicopters and she was allowed to explore them all......

with the help of Daddy of course.
Being such a big girl exploring a helicopter all by herself.

Sitting in one of the helicopters with Daddy

Possing with Daddy on the cold and windy flight deck with ESET building in the background.

Getting to sit next to the "red" phone..oh the power for such a little lady.

Walking back to the car with a very tired little lady. She still remembers our trip to the Midway every time we see it. In all it was a very fun morning and I highly recommend it. But if you want to see it all be prepared to spend the ENTIRE day and get there early so you have plenty of time. There is so much to explore!

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