Thursday, February 05, 2009

4 days and going strong!!

We are so PROUD of Emma!!

That's right Emma is a big girl and she can do lots of big girl things!! She now has been using the big girl potty for 4 days. Only 2 accidents so far and that was only because we just didn't get to the bathroom fast enough. We took Donald's cousin Julie Ann's advice and got a seat that went on top of a regular toilet and it worked!! (Aunt Linda be proud of you daughter for giving such good advice, it must be in the DNA) The moment I brought it home Emma asked to sit on it and she immediately went pee. Now Emma just tells me that she has to go and just in a few seconds of sitting down she pees. No waiting, no reading books, no singing songs...she just goes!! It's the most wonderful thing. I told my dad the other night on the phone that it was like winning the lottery only better!! After raising 4 kids of his own he laughed and totally agreed with me :). Since I didn't think it would be appropriate to post a photo of the princess on her "thrown", nor is she on long enough to do so, I have decided to post a few wonderful photo of her watching music videos on her iPod. Much more adorable and she won't be mad at me years later for it.

For the concerned out there, Yes, Donald I purchased child headphones that don't go to loud volumes as to not hurt her ears. She rarely uses them as we mostly listen to music through speakers in the house. This was a special treat.


Anonymous said...

Go Emma!Granny is so proud of you!
Another milestone in your wonderful life, and I am enjoying every minute of you so much. You are getting so big I can't believe it. I love you "big" girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done Emma and Mummy, for showing Emma how to be a BIG GIRL! There is no stopping her now Suzanne,Both you and Donald are doing a wonderful job. Emma is a delight and a pleasure to be around,she is a two year old who puts four and five year olds to shame.She is FUN, POLITE & WELL MANNERED just like her Mummy and Daddy.Love Aunt Linda and Uncle Stewart.xxxx