Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Like To Ride My Trycycle

Emma has been busy this last week practicing on her bike in the back garden. I had to learn the hard way that you can't take the bike to the park and expect to teach a 2 year old how it all works when there are so many distractions. As much as Emma can be a "one track" she can also be a really good "side track". Too many distracts and other toys and children to play with is not a good learning environment for bike riding. So with the nice weather we are having in February I took advantage of the back garden. I still insist that Emma dress properly with helmet, the right kind of shoes with socks and the right kind of clothing. With a bit of preparation, off come the dresses, sandals and on go the rest. Good habits of safety last a life time.

She wasn't too keen on the helmet but now expects it to be put on which is great. I still get a lot of pedalling backwards and walking the bike. The nice part is she is concentrating on what she is doing and I let her have fun with how the bike turns and pushes. I want her to really explore the bike before I get to involved with "now do this" "now do that" . I grew up with bike riding being really fun and I still love it to this day. I want her to have the same feelings with no pressure only pure joy. Every day she asks to ride her bike and is sad when it gets too dark to go outside and ride some more.
Her Aunt Linda puts it best "Your a cleaver girl Emma!", so I have no doubts that she will be doing circles around me in no time!

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