Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emma At Play

Below are some fun images of Emma playing. It is so fun to watch her imagination start to grow!

Grandma got Emma this wonderful Tea Set and she really enjoys it when mommy takes it out for her to play with. Daddy and Emma were playing on Monday together, but I didn't take any pictures because we had just gotten back from the pool and we all looked a little ragged and wet still (just picture visiting Daisy and Anslo from Keeping up Appearances and Anslo with out a vest on). Below Emma is treating some of her favorite stuffed toys to an afternoon snack.

We are so thrilled that Emma has figured out how to push her pink car around. I love that she has to put on her pink hat before she takes off for a ride around the house. I can't get her to wear a hat any other time, which makes me really sad when it's sunny out and really want her more covered.
After a busy day of play, Emma can't wait for Daddy to come home. They have a snack which usually consists of cheese (thank you Michael) and sparkling water (Dr Neglia says it's OK). Emma excitedly tells daddy all about her day, and daddy is such a good listener.
Emma telling daddy all about her day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little Miss sociable Emma is. She will be ready to take tea with the queen before we know it. I like the company she keeps too!
Love, Gran