Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Well, we went to the doctor yesterday and little Emma isn't ready to stay little. She is up to 8 pounds 1 ounce. Considering that this is 3 oz above her birth weight, less than two weeks after birth, I think it is safe to say that she is gaining weight just fine. Suzanne and I were both relieved when the doctor assured us that there would be no nipple confusion if we introduced a binky between feedings. This means that Suzanne is actually getting 2-2.5 hours between feedings and may actually start getting some sleep! The first picture is not my desktop wallpaper at work, and I look at it often. It was taken with my Mom's 2 megapixel canon, not bad eh?

The next two had a lot of Ahhhh.... factor for me. Indulge me, I'm a new dad.

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