Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well, we went to the doctor today. And Emma got her first shot (hep b). After some absolute agony, tears, and a lot of emotion, Suzanne is finally over having to watch. Emma didn't mind the jab, but the injection set off a moment of hysterics. She is now 22 inches long, so has grown more than two inches since birth. She also has gained one full pound since her last visit. And her thrush seems to be getting better. So all is going well except for a diaper rash.

Suzanne and I are trying to figure out what she will be when she grows up. I am convinced that she is going to be a punk rock spaceship commander, but Suzanne is not so sure. We do agree on a couple of professions that she has already shown an aptitude for. She definitely could direct planes, as she is constantly signalling where they should go. And she may become a marine biologist. She speaks Humpback Whale fluently. Here is a picture of the bean after an exhausting day at the (doctor's) office.

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