Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We went to the doctor today for Emma's post hospital follow up. It looks like the little bit of jaundice she had when she was discharged is resolving itself. She is also gaining weight (yay!) which was worrying her dad as she was born at 7lbs 14oz and had dropped down to 7lbs 3.5oz. She is now back up to 7lbs 80z. Her mom wasn't worried, as her mom was intimately familiar with nutrition throughput. The doctor was very nice, thank you to Rich and Jen for the referral. We are adjusting to life as parents, though I we both still have plenty of awestruck moments when we look at our beautiful daughter. Speaking of, here are more pictures.

Emma at just a few minutes old. And her mom with tears of joy and dad trying not to look too overwhelmed.

Emma and Gramma at the hospital (my mom).

Emma at four days, deciding whether she wants to be asleep or awake. She went for awake in the end, but was pretty indecisive for a few minutes.

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