Thursday, January 25, 2007

Emma has arrived. She was born today at 1:42pm. She has shown herself to be just as active out of the womb as she was in the womb. Emma Lauren weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces, she is just under 19 inches long and looks absolutely perfect in the eyes of her parents.


Anonymous said...

Suzanne - wow, she is gorgeous! Congratulations! My best to your new gift.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! So perfect! And Suzanne looks fantastic too! Nothing changes you more than the birth of your first child. Welcome to the club!
Julie and the Tribe

Anonymous said...

i would have been the first to comment, but got lost on your other blog, then my stupid sidekick (the phone variety, not the husband variety) wouldn't post my comment. rats! first comment notoriety down the drain! you're bloggers! how did i not know this? why did i not assume this?!

hooray for new babies! how amazing that she was born on her due date! that's really not all that common. congrats! i got your mom's pictures and baby emma is so darling! and the birth junkie in me was thrilled to
see baby and mama having skin-to-skin contact, haha. and a good size baby, too! how exciting an adventure for your sweet, little family!

i forgive you for sending the link to my mom and not to me. i had to wait hours longer to get the news from the new granny.