Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Presidents Day

It was a very warm weekend and we spent our Valentines day at the Wild Animal Park along with everyone else in North County. We didn't take any photos, but the next day (Monday) was Presidents Day and Donald got the day off!! So we were off to the Children's Museum.

First up was the Chariots, which both Donald and Emma loved!

Then it was downstairs to go through a bouncy obstacle course!
Luckily for Emma there was a guy there to help her through the first part, but I think Donald was bummed that he couldn't do it with her.

Next up Emma on Gladiators!

After that we discovered a room full of hula hoops. All three of us got into the action and had a blast and lots of laughs.

Now we just need to get Emma a hula hoop of her own, forgot how much fun they are!

In honor of Presidents Day they had a section all set up for the kids to make a tie and then go up to the platform and say what they would do if they were president.

Emma being Emma was all to happy to offer everyone lots of hugs, kisses, and chocolaty goodness! That's MY girl!

We finished off with the shopping area were Emma played and played for some time pushing carts around and really enjoying all the kids.
Who knew Presidents day could be so much fun. Was so happy to get that extra day with daddy too!!

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