Saturday, October 20, 2007

As our loyal readers know (yes, all both of you), Suzanne and I talk a lot about change. How our lives changed when we moved to London ( ) and how it changed when we moved back, and of course, our most significant change to date, Emma. Well, here we go again, everything just changed this last week. As you can see in the video (warning, it is 7 minutes and 22 seconds long), Emma has made a couple of significant strides in development. She has begun crawling forward, which means that she can now identify a target and head straight for it. This is pretty scary for first time parents who have not childproofed to their own satisfaction. She can open cupboards now. Time to install the latches to keep her out of the sink cupboards. And she has confirmed her first crush. For some reason, she LOVES the opening credits to the show Stargate SG1. She has no interest whatsoever in the television unless the opening credits are on, then suddenly she stares in awe. At first, we thought it was the flashing screen, or perhaps the music, but as you can see by her smooching the Stargate DVD cover, it is really all about Richard Dean Anderson. As always, comments are very welcome, and since I haven't done it in a while, I will beg for some now. Not only do we crave feedback, but we would love to be able to show Emma how much she is loved by showing her what people had to say during her early years.


Anonymous said...

Yes Miss Emma, I knew you would be a young lady of determination, perseverance and discriminating taste. Stargate 1 and Richard Dean Anderson, what good choices! You are growing sooo fast and becoming more beautiful with each passing day. Can't wait to see you again. Lots of hugs and kisses, the presumptuous Auntie Sheila

Anonymous said...

Ha! Now the fun really begins for Mommy and Daddy! You are such an adorable, talented child, I was mesmerized the whole 7 minutes. Please make your mommy bring you to see us at Mission Valley Marketing! We'll spoil you to pieces!
"Auntie-to-any-cute-baby" Dawn

Anonymous said...

A mobil child....HA HA HA! This is where real parenting begins. Emma will explore admist heart failure on you part. No matter how many children you have, it is a joy to see their wonder in their world. And come on, Dad, any girl that likes MacGyver is way cool!!

Anonymous said...

Larry will be so pleased to find he has someone to watch Stargate with when we come to CA. One of his faves!