Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Day at the Children's Museum

November 6, 2010It's been a long time since we've gotten to take Emma to the Children's museum. We renewed our membership, walked from the ESET building all the way to the CM with me wearing Ewan in our Ergo baby carrier and Donald and Emma happily skipping all the way. When we got there Emma was greeted by a musical treat and got to join in with her own musical talents.
Then it was off to the chariot races!
Since Ewan was happily snuggled into me in the ergo baby carrier Donald and Emma were set free to be artistic for the day

They made cool things out of clay and then went and made fall leaves for a tree
They spent a ton of time in the rain house and did story time in the Trojan horse while I feed Ewan in one of their super comfy rockers, and then we were off to the bottom floor for some fun make believe dress up time. Not sure who love this more.

We walked back up to little Italy for some Burger Lounge yummy goodness, where Ewan finally crashed out from all the excitement of the day.

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